Ok--it's been a year-plus since I had such great ambitions for this blog.
But, for REAL! I should be able to put some effort into this blog because I retired!! WOW!! YES!! It really happened. So I think my focus might change--it won't be so much on teaching now, although "it" (teaching) will always be in me. Just ask my daughter, who says I repeat everything at least 5 times.
So what have I been doing since retirement someone asks? Like trips, fun stuff, what's life like?
Really, nothing like that. So far, it's just like a summer vacation except I brought everything that was mine home with me and my garage is loaded to the max. I am having a hard time parting with stuff. So many of us retired all at once at my school, Mattie -- without much preparing -- that there was too much stuff trying to find a home/new classroom. If I left anything it was going to the dumps.
And then there is 20 years of an unkempt house! I have my grandmother's and mother's disorder--"material" girl--save everything--you might need it someday! It was just 4 weeks ago that I actually gave my classroom key over so -- no, haven't really done anything except start to relax. But it is already feeling different because I'm not anticipating getting back into my classroom or looking at Back to School sales or even thinking---"What the hell am I going to wear this year besides denim jumpers?"