Sunday, June 8, 2008

Discovering History

People's stories. Stories of life, history, feelings. I have always been interested in the past. Even when I was little and my grandmother would tell me about when she was little. I liked to look at the pictures, touch objects, collect old things. Both sets of grandparents were Mormons. I actually have quite a lineage through both my grandmothers. The genealogical family records have always been something my family has had. Many of the records are just dates, names of places and a few pictures. There is a Richard's family book about my mother's mother's side of the family that is more telling.

Anyway, starting this blog has made me think about telling my stories. It doesn't really matter who cares, who will read them or if they are of any benefit. It matters that I do it for me. Because I really wish there was a place like this for the people that I can no longer touch or hear their voice. I remember when I told my mother-in-law that she should write some of "this stuff" down. She never did and my memory of her stories fades as the years go by. My grandmother was always going to and she did some so I hope to find it and record it somewhere permanently.

I have found some sites that tell stories. I want to go back again and read them all--if I ever have time.

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